Test Proctoring Services

The Harker Heights Public Library will perform free test proctoring for online tests or paper tests mailed to us. We cannot proctor tests requiring the proctor to be in the room with the student for the entire exam.

We require at least 72 library business hours advance notice for scheduling online tests and at least two weeks notice for paper tests that must be obtained from another institution. If you have not received a response through e-mail or through the phone within 72 library business hours, then please call the library at 254-953-5492. While we will make every effort to accommodate your schedule, we cannot guarantee your first choice appointment.

You must have a library card (and present it on the day of your test) in order for your tests to be proctored by the Library. To schedule a test, please fill out the following information, and read and sign the proctor agreement.
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I will assume all responsibility ensuring that the policies and guidelines required by my school are followed during my scheduled testing time. I understand after two missed appointments, I will no longer be able to schedule proctored exams at the Harker Heights Public Library.
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Test Proctor Agreement The student will:

· Complete and sign the proctoring request form by which the student agrees to ensure that all guidelines and policies from their respective institutions are met when testing at the Harker Heights Public Library. · Confirm test has been received by the library. · Schedule test at least 72 hours in advance for online tests and two weeks in advance for paper tests. · Bring appropriate photo I.D. · Call to cancel if unable to keep reserved testing time. After two no shows, the library will no longer proctor exams for the student. · Provide stamps, envelopes, etc. if needed. · Take all online tests using library PCs. · Relinquish use of personal laptops, cell phones, Blackberrys, etc. when testing, if required by the school. A space will not be provided to store these materials.

The Library will:

· Provide a testing area. · Correspond with student’s school and receive materials. · Provide test proctor procedures to professor. · Provide a designated contact number and e-mail address. (Call 254-953-5496 for more information.) · Maintain a file for the student that will contain all testing materials until one month after the designated testing time. · Submit tests via e-mail, fax or US Postal Service at the student’s expense.

The Library will not:

· Provide a space to store personal materials not allowed in testing area. · Accommodate requests for unscheduled proctoring. · Contact the testing institution to clarify procedural questions such as: incorrect passwords, wrong tests, etc. · Be present in the same room as the student for the entire exam. · Guarantee that the correct material has been received by the testing institution by a specific date. · Download software for test taking that is not compatible with our network. · Guarantee that technical problems will not occur when using the library PCs. · Submit tests via FedEx or UPS.

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