How will I know if a position is available?
Vacancies that are open for recruitment are posted on the City of Harker Heights website and on various other civic, professional, and community websites and publications.
How do I apply for employment with the City of Harker Heights?
To apply for a posting, click on job opportunities on the Human Resources page and follow the links. You may also pick up an application at City Hall, located at 305 Millers Crossing, Harker Heights, Texas 76548. Applications are accepted Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
How will I know if I will be interviewed?
After the applications have been reviewed by Human Resources and the Hiring Manager, they will select the applicants to be interviewed. Only the applicants that are scheduled for interviews will be contacted.
How will I know if I am selected for a job?
Once the interview process is successfully completed (interview, background checks, drug screen, physical and required testing) the candidate is contacted and offered the position. A starting date is determined at that time.
Does my application stay on file for future positions?
No, you will be required to complete another application for any position that you are interested in.
Do I need to fill out separate applications for each position?
No, however if you wish to be considered for multiple positions, you must indicate it in the job desired section of the employment application.
Frequently Asked Questions about City Employment