The City of Harker Heights is a home rule City which operates under a Council-Manager form of government. All powers of the City shall be vested in the elective Council which enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies and employ the City Manager, who shall execute the laws and administer the government of the City. The City Council consist of a Mayor and five council members who elect one of their members to serve as Mayor-Protempore
The Mayor and City Council serve a three year term and are eligible to run for two consecutive three year terms at which point they would not be eligible to run for a seat without a one year vacancy.
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305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
First term expires May 2026

305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
First term expires May 2027

305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
First term expires May 2025

305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
Second term expires May 2026

305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
Second term expires May 2025

305 Millers Crossing
Harker Heights, Texas 76548
(254) 953-5600
Second term expires May 2027