Fitness & Recreation Program
The Harker Heights Parks and Recreation Department offers a wide range of year-round recreational classes for all ages. Between our Recreation Center and Activities Center, there's something for everyone!
For more information on Fitness & Recreation contact:
Nichole Broemer | 254.953.5683 | [email protected]
For more information on Outdoor Classes contact: 
Kailie Gomez | 254.953.5465 | [email protected]
Flyer & Newsletter
Fitness & Recreation Flyer
Click HERE for Fitness & Recreation Flyer 


Activities Center's Newsetter
Click HERE to sign up to receive the center's newsletter for up to date programs and events.

Martial Art
Outdoor Recreation



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Contact Us
307 Miller's Crossing,
Harker Heights, TX 76548
P 254.953.5657
F 254.953.5658