Outdoor Recreation
GO Heights
Public Outreach & Education
Do you have a special topic you want us to present to your organization?
Let us know at 254.953.5465 or email [email protected] with your request. We are able to present to scout groups, 4h, schools, and other local organizations about our nature-based knowledge.
City resources/ opportunities for your Civic Organization
Do you need service hours or City resources? We are always looking for community garden partnerships or can offer our gardens as your next outdoor classroom. Reach out to set up a meeting and learn about all the resources our department has.
Outdoor Programs Coordinator: Kailie Gomez 254.953.5465 [email protected]
Volunteer Opportunities
Make new friends while sharing your passion with others. Volunteer with our hiking programs, nature education or teaching outdoor skills to those in your community! We welcome both individuals and groups. For more information contact Kailie Gomez.
Interested in being an instructor? We are looking for instructors to teach outdoor fitness classes, photography, and more!
Quick Links
307 Miller's Crossing,
Harker Heights, TX 76548
P 254.953.5657