Urban Forestry Team

What we do

The Urban Forestry Team is comprised of an interdepartmental task force between the Parks and Recreation, Activities Center, Library, and Public Works Departments. Together they protect, manage, and conserve trees and vegetation in the City of Harker Heights. They also provide educational and recreational opportunities to Harker Heights citizens. On this page you will find resources and recommendations by the City of Harker Heights and leading organizations in the industry.

Need more information? 

Problem with a Tree on City maintained property.
              Casey Brazzil
              Park & Facility Operations Manager
              [email protected]
Urban Forestry Information

What we do

The City of Harker Heights is always adding new policies and practices to improve our great city strives to sustain a safe, healthy and attractive urban forest through frequent and sound management practices.

Here are some of the ways the Parks Department accomplishes this objective:

  • Pruning tree canopy to improve health of the urban forest
  • Tree Risk Assessment of aging or declining trees to provide a safe community
  • Through tree replacement and diversifying our species palette to increase resiliency
  • Insect and disease identification and control
  • Continuing our employees education and training
  • Public education and outreach to engage the community in learning the benefits of the urban forest

Trees are public infrastructure that appreciate in value as they grow. This is why it is important to protect and maintain what we have. Our urban forest provides endless benefits: by sequestering and storing carbon, reducing storm water runoff, reducing energy costs as well as heat island effect through shading and of course producing oxygen.

Real Science

Tree management is a dynamic activity and typically comprises conducting tree and plant inventories, developing and implementing management plants, utilizing annual work plans, and setting budgets. We use technology, science, and partnerships with state and federal organizations to care for our trees.

This past year we had over 1200 of our trees inventoried. With just these trees we calculate their economic benefits to exceed $39,000. More of our trees continue to be added to our Urban Forestry Management Plan and Inventory all the time. We continue to implement best practice methods for our tree management.

Public Outreach & Education


Third party links are not operated or maintained by the City of Harker Heights and the Harker Heights Parks & Recreation Department. The City of Harker Heights and Parks & Recreation Department is not responsible for the content and/or any issues that may arise from the use of third party websites.

Growing Texas: A Community Handbook 

Urban Forestry Management Planning

Tree Care Ordinances

Inventories and Assessments

Making Your Community Compatible with Nature

Drought Tips

Urban Forest Information Sheets

Texas Forest Info (UTC Analyses for Communities)

Texas Forest Info (Urban Tree Canopy)

Storm Planning Guide: Community Forest Planning

Emerald Ash Borer Planning


Register Your Existing Tree Online

Register Your Existing Tree Online

Register Your Existing Tree Online

Changes to Living Legacy Tree Program

  • Removal of plaques in front of trees
    • We now have nearly 400 Living Legacy trees within our park system. To ensure that the trees in our parks retain the look and feel of nature for future generations, the plaques will be removed. We understand that these trees are special, and we will look to improve maintenance standards to extend the life of each tree.
  • Removal of non-living trees
    • Trees that were planted over 12 months ago will not be replaced by program policy. If you would like to replant a tree, the $250 will be incurred by the donor. If a tree is no longer living but was planted less than 12 months ago, contact us at 254-953-5657.
  • Creation of Living Legacy page on Parks & Rec Website
  • Trees will now be planted on 'Living Legacy Day,' held twice per year
    • 3rd Saturday of February
    • 1st Saturday of November
    • A limited number of trees will be available for planting. Locations and tree types will be selected by Parks & Rec staff. The cost to donate is $250.

Are you ready? Go to to get started. 

Texas Arbor Day 2020

Texas Arbor Day 2020

Watch the official Texas Arbor Day from 2020; hosted by the City of Harker Heights.

Contact Us
307 Miller's Crossing,
Harker Heights, TX 76548
P 254.953.5657
F 254.953.5658